Speakers ListSpeaker Ideas


When Choosing a speaker for a Rotary meeting consider things like:


  • Topic: The speaker’s topic should be educational, informational, motivational, or entertaining, and of general interest to your members.  Avoid controversial topics that could cause division or anger.
  • Experience: The chosen speaker should be accomplished and an expert in their field.
  • Freshness: Look for a speaker with a fresh topic that your members haven’t heard before.
  • Connections: Use your connections to find speakers.  People are more likely to speak when approached by someone they know.


There are two important parts to our Speakers Resource Center:

  1. A list of Speakers to Explore in Your Area – provides you with ideas for possible speakers in your community.
  2. District Rotary Experts and Freelance Speakers – provides you with topics and contact information for Rotarians as well as speakers outside of Rotary who have agreed to present to clubs in our District.

Tips for using our Speaker List:

  • Contact the Speaker directly – for additional information about their presentation.
  • Please remember speakers on the list are volunteers – willing to share their time and expertise with your club. Ask for their bio ahead of time so you can provide a proper introduction.
  • Many speakers listed may work full-time, so their availability might be limited.
  • Plan ahead. Offer several possible dates from which they can choose.
  • Speakers may want to limit the distance they are willing to travel.
  • Offer a Zoom meeting option, if available.
  • Be clear about your club’s program perimeters – letting them know when on your agenda they will speak, and time allotted for their presentation.
  • Be sure to discuss speakers’ equipment needs and your ability to provide what they need.