All club Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest chairs and potential club chairs:

Please join us online Wednesday, October 16th, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Here’s your Zoom link:

You shouldn’t need these, but just in case, the meeting ID is 889-4615 6482, and the passcode is 521687.


Please email [email protected] that you’ll attend.

In order to avoid technical difficulties, we’ll open the link by 5:15 p.m.


    • Review Rotarian-created materials designed to help students achieve speaking success.
    • Update on two planned fall-winter coaching videos for student speakers on speech structure and delivery.



    • 9/4/25, 5:30-6:30 p.m.:  Special District 5330 overview Zoom session on Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Contest: No passcode necessary. Meeting ID: 863 0333 3504
    • 2/15/25: Final day for club-level contest.
    • 2/22/25: Club entry form & $50 entry fee due.
    • 3/8/25, 9 a.m.: District Contest at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church,
      1320 W. Willliams St., Banning, CA 92220
    • 4/6/25: Save the date for a Sunday afternoon celebration of the winners of our Music and Rotary Four-Way Test Speech contests.


REQUEST MATERIALS TO SUPPORT YOUR CLUB’S PARTICIPATION (These materials were sent to all July 17 meeting attendees)

Email [email protected] to receive


    • Contest brochure and calendar
    • Judges’ scoring sheet for the Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest
    • Other speech contest-related materials as they are made available
    • Replies to your questions