When Rotary launched PolioPlus in 1985, the “plus” signaled the belief that the polio eradication effort would increase immunizations against five other diseases prevalent in children: measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus.

As time went on, the list of benefits grew. Polio immunization campaigns created an avenue for other lifesaving health interventions, such as the distribution of vitamin A supplements.

New equipment for transporting and storing vaccines made it easier to combat infectious diseases in developing areas. The enormous network of laboratories and health clinics charged with identifying new cases of polio began to monitor the spread of other viruses as well.

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative, which Rotary helped create, rose to international prominence as a model for public-private partnerships to address world health issues.

The “plus” in PolioPlus means that Rotarians are doing more than stopping the spread of polio in the last four countries in which it is endemic; they also are building a legacy of infrastructure and partnerships that will support the fight against infectious disease long after polio is gone. 



Any Rotarian can help in the efforts to eradicate the poliovirus once and for all by participating in a National Immunization Day event, and indeed many have!

National Immunization Days (NID’s) are mass immunization events held to assist the eradication of the poliovirus.

Many Rotarians from our own District 5330 have participated  in NID’s by initiating and organizing a group of fellow Rotarians to travel and immunize children against the poliovirus.

Clubs and Districts may provide support to Rotarians wishing to participate in NID’s and it is possible for Rotarians to join another District where a group has been formed to participate in a NID event.

If you are interested in participating in a NID event, the complete global list of dates for NIDs can be found on World Health Organization’s website: www.polioeradication.org under Where We Work and then under Supplementary Immunization Activity (SIA) Calendar.

To learn about upcoming Rotary NID trips contact [email protected],  or Marilyn Sanderson, she can also put you in touch with Rotarians who have fulfilled their dream of participating in this tremendous effort to eradicate the poliovirus.