Club Strategic Planning

Does your club have a Strategic Plan? Why do you need one? Your club wants to grow membership. You want to fundraise. You want to stage successful projects for the community. You want to touch the lives of others. All great goals. To achieve these, you need a plan.

How does a Rotary Club create a Strategic Plan? There are basically three steps.

First, you need to look at Where Are You Now. You need to analyze the current state of the club. Do a SWOT Analysis reviewing your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Take a good look at who you are today.

Second, you need to determine Where Do You Want to Be. You have taken a look at where you are now. How would you like to see yourselves? How do you picture your club in three years? What would you like your club to achieve? This is where you set-up your goals as to what your club wants to achieve. Think about the Vibrant Club model as well as the Rotary Avenues of Service.

Third, you need to determine How Will You Get There. Having goals is great. Planning out HOW you achieve these goals is essential. What is your Action Plan? What steps will you take to achieve each of these goals. Who is responsible for what part of the Action Plan? Break this down into manageable bite size pieces. Achieve one step and move on to the next. Constant reporting on achievement and progress is important. Keep your plan on top of mind.

Do you have to do this alone? Absolutely NOT. As DG Judy has said before, the District is here to provide services and assistance to our clubs. One of the new services that the District is now providing is a Strategic Planning Team developed to help our clubs seeking help in going through the Strategic Planning process. Our team is available to come facilitate and help your club create your brand new or refreshed Club Strategic Plan. This team includes PDG Don Casper, PDG Bill Chase, PDG Joe Ramos, PDG Marilyn Sanderson, PDG Rudy Westervelt, Assistant Governor Bob McKenzie and Past President of the Rotary Club of Temecula Kim Gerrish.

Club President, please feel free to contact a member of this team to begin discussing your club’s strategic planning.